halo thursday

halo hari Thursday..ini update yg pertama since 2008.sgt lame ok xde feeling nak menaip..sebenarnye ade feeling nak menaip tp sumernye planning jer dlm biler dah kt dlm otak, x jd la pulak di transfer ke pc..paham ke? xpe kalao x paham buat2 paham aje la..
takpe tak penting pon..just got back from my hometown after almost 1 week bercuti..cuti yg sgt heaven despite of demam..had kenduri doa selamat on Friday afternoon n the night before, spending my time washing all the sotongs and udangs for kenduri..besoknye pulak mengabeskan mase mengemas rumah serta mengemop lantai 2 rumah n melayan tetamu..gile penat & as a result besoknye tros demam huhu..arrived at LCCT last night around 11 sumthing..flight should departed at 2140 tp delayed sampai kol 2225..correction: 2225 adelah waktu gate bukak n think the actual time we depart was 2240 kot...sgtla mengantuk sampai tersengguk-sengguk dlm pure2 la tak mengantuk dgn pelbagai action utk mencover...luckily the boyfren was there to fetch me up..weeeeeeeeeee!!sgt hepi!haha..boleh pulak tu terpakai t-shirt same..alamak haha...boleh la pulakkkk tersama ;) pastu singgah mcd sbb lapa & arrived home around 1 ++ ni 1st day at work..1st day after long holiday and I HAVE A NEGATIVE FEELING BOUT MY JOB...malas la nak tulis psl ni..will update about that soon..papehal pon,dah nak pukul 6 & i'm going back anytime soon...IKEA--> HERE I COMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!;) ~~~dush!