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Helou..ha just changed my blog skin..again..haha i think this is the 3rd or fourth time kot?kali ni a bit different from the previous one; agak lebam sket kaler nyer if compared to the previous one yg agak vibrant colour nye.. wahaha updates tak serajin mane tp rajin la pulak nak menukar2 skinnyer.huhu..anyway, been busy; as always la huhu..will be away to Pahang this coming weekend for karnival sukan..adeh, should prepare myself to get sunburned and giget by all kutu-kutu laut..

Al-Fatihah for arwah Yasmin Ahmad..may Allah bless her & roh beliau dicucuri rahmat..Amin..
there are sooo many speculation/rumours spreading around about her...'yasmin this, yasmin that'..haih..ape-ape hal pon, who are we to judge?and we don't even know about her pon..biarlah itu antara Tuhan & dia..

For me, Yasmin was such a good & talented director. sgt kreatif & idea-idea beliau sgt lain dari yang lain.that's why i never fail to watch her movie and 'Talentime' was my favourite.begitu juge ngn iklan-iklan raye yg sgt touching..

'setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati'